101 in 1001

I've always liked the idea of a bucket list - but when I stumbled across this project...I kinda fell in love with it. I like that it's achievable and measureable - that it can be filled with whatever YOU want to enrich your life doing.

The Day Zero Project

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.

I've started my list on February 8th 2010, which means that my end date will be November 5th 2012.

My List on Day Zero

Haven't Started it
Working On it
I did it!

My List - 101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

001) Make a quilt
002) Visit a continent I haven’t been to yet
003) Make a list of top 50 classic must reads - and read them
004) Donate blood
005) Send a secret to postsecret.com
006) Visit NYC and be a total tourist
007) Pay off my student loans
008) Watch 50 of IMDB’s Top 250 movies (http://www.imdb.com/chart/top)
009) Buy a 100 page notebook and fill it with things I’m grateful for
010) Volunteer at a nursing home once a month for an entire year
011) Write a letter to be opened by my 30 year old self.
012) Crochet a baby blanket
013) Be responsible and start an RRSP
014) Print off and frame travel pictures
015) Go for a ride in a hot air balloon
016) Go camping for a weekend
017) Buy a book for piano and learn to play every song in it
018) Bake bread from scratch - no breadmakers allowed!
019) Send a care package to someone I love
020) Eat at 10 new restaurants - no chains!
021) Buy a package of post-its to keep in purse - leave messages/quotes/thoughts/etc. in random places until they’re gone.
022) Go white water rafting
023) Go on a bonafide picnic
024) Buy a decent camera
025) Make a recipe book
026) Keep all my spare change and then splurge and do something fun with it (Read more here)
027) Mail out homemade Christmas cards to family and friends
028) Backup all of my pictures from all of my computers onto discs (Backup of Laptop Photos completed May 3, 2010)
029) Do Project 365
030) Make one phonecall every week to a friend who you haven’t talked to in a while (Week of: February 13 - Carly;
031) Make an awesome mixed cd for someone
032) Go on a roadtrip
033) Take a pottery class
034) Have a girls getaway weekend
035) Make one photo album of Africa pictures and one of Europe pictures
036) Go to an amusement park and go on at least ten roller coasters
037) Drink only water for an entire month
038) Buy an agenda and use it everyday
039) Do a cross stitch project
040) Paint with fingerpaints
041) Do something spectacular for my quarter-century birthday
042) Get my palm read for fun
043) Join the big brothers/big sisters Organization
044) Go bike riding at least 10 times
045) Learn to sign with ASL
046) Write a book for a child
047) Preserve vegetables for the winter
048) Take pictures in a photobooth
049) Make a calendar full of photos
050) Work in a classroom in one respect or another
051) Go to a concert
052) Sew myself a dress
053) Volunteer at a soup kitchen/homeless shelter
054) Start taking an iron supplement everyday (Bought...Started taking February 11th/2010)
055) Plant flower gardens on the farm
056) Follow ‘Canada’s Food Guide’ every day for a month
057) Go whale watching
058) Bake and decorate a fancy fun cake
059) Give a really cool gift to someone who deserves it
060) Take a first aid course
061) See some sort of sporting game/event
062) Go snorkelling
063) Pay it forward 10 times, to 10 different people in 10 different ways
064) Watch fireworks
065) Go for an adventure by boat
066) Go on a hike somewhere I’ve never been before
067) Spend an evening watching the stars
068) Clean out my closets/room and really purge what needs to go
069) Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
070) Build a sand castle
071) Read at least ten news articles every day for six months
072) Go skating
073) Watch 10 different documentaries
074) Cook 25 completely new (to me), different and fun meals
075) Visit an orphanage to read stories and give out hugs
076) Build a snowman
077) Plant a tree
078) See Cirque du Soleil
079) Have a games night
080) Make stuffed animals and give them away to less fortunate children at Christmas
081) Go to a drive-in movie
082) Fly a kite
083) Make a fondu like we ate in Switzerland
084) Donate to help an endangered animal
085) Donate 100, 000 grains of rice via freerice.com (1020 + 490 + 360)
086) Make a time capsule
087) Collect a tv series that I can put on to always make me laugh
088) Have a campfire and make smores
089) Make an emergency kit for the car
090) Paint a picture
091) Build a snowfort
092) Make a gingerbread house from scratch
093) Spend quality time with someone substantially younger than myself
094) Make cds to put in my car
095) Go kayaking
096) Make homemade icecream
097) Spend quality time with someone substantially older and wiser than myself
098) Sing lullabies to a baby
099) Play a game of pool - and win
100) Have a dinner party
101) Make another list for the next 1001 days